Wednesday, November 23, 2005

There seems to be some more "the President is hiding documents" talk on the web, due to an article in the National Journal, a publication with which I was not previously familiar.

Powerline, of course, is on the case. What I don't understand for the life of me are the following:
The September 21, 2001, briefing was prepared at the request of the president, who was eager in the days following the terrorist attacks to learn all that he could about any possible connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
Why would the President need to request something that's produced every day (and has been for years)?
Indeed, the existence of the September 21 PDB was not disclosed to the Intelligence Committee until the summer of 2004, according to congressional sources.
How is it possible that the they were unaware of the existence of a doucment that's produced daily? Isn't that like saying that they were unaware that there was an issue of the NY Times prepared on September 21?

Am I missing something?

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