Wednesday, November 09, 2005

One Woman. One Man. One Reich.

Gay-marriage ban coasts

Readers of this blog know that I'm very Conservative on foreign policy and other matters in general, but I really don't understand for the life of me how limiting the ability (I purposefully do not use the word "right") of gay partners to support each other more fully helps protect society.

It is precisely because I believe that an increase in the number of families with a traditional, stable, heterosexual marriage is the best way for a society to thrive that I am against the ban on gay marriage (or arrangements like it). Any law that forces people to live alone and on the margins of society cannot be a good thing. As far as I'm concerned if two elderly heterosexual women want to sign an agreement giving them the legal ability to support each other in financial and legal matters I say fine. What's wrong with a legal "buddy system" for life's most important times? Society should always be on the side of bringing people closer together and creating support networks.

Why should anyone who winds up not getting married have to suffer?

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