Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Leader of New Orleans Police Resigns

Nice joke that The NYT should call him a "Leader" in the headline. Mayor Ray "Frickin" Nagin should be next.


"I am pissed. I am absolutely pissed off," Mr Nagin said. "People are frickin' dying every day. They need to get off their asses."


You know the reason why the looters got out of control? Because we had most of our resources savin people. Thousands of people. That were stuck in attics man. Old ladies. When you pull off the doggone ventilator vent and they’re standin in there in water up to their frickin necks. And they don’t have a clue what’s goin on down here. They flew down here. One time, two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, A.P. reporters, all kind of goddamn, excuse my French, everybody in America, but I am pissed!


"There is way too many fricking ... cooks in the kitchen," Nagin said in a phone interview with WAPT-TV in Jackson, Mississippi, fuming over what he said were scuttled plans to plug a 200-yard breach near the 17th Street Canal, allowing Lake Pontchartrain to spill into the central business district.

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