Saturday, June 18, 2005

This about sums it up for me:

Guantanamo Bay and the War on Terror by Senator John Kyl

Democrats criticized the Bush Administration, alleging that the 520 prisoners are in "legal limbo," that "there is no plan exactly how they're going to be handled," that their "rights under the Geneva Conventions have been violated," and that they deserve some sort of a "trial" or they should be released. A big problem if true, but none of it is.

Assuming that there is such a thing as a human being that has some knowledge of terrorist leaders or plans, I have yet to hear a serious proposal as to an alternative method of making sure that this information is gotten and that those with the information don't retun to fight us. And remember "us" for a terrorist/insurgent primarily means civilians here at home or in Iraq, not the unifomred personnel of the coalition forces. Remember that the death toll just for 9/11, Madrid and Bali is still almost twice that of the coalition soldiers killed in over 2 years of war that we were supposedly horribly unprepared for! If only a handful of bad guys from Guantanamo (much less all of them) are released due to some technical legal error, they can cause more damage to Americans than the entire insurgency.

Things that make you go hmmm....If the Gitmo prisoners are innocent tourists as some have proclaimed, why aren't the governments of their 40 or so native countries fighting for the return of their inncoent citizens?

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