Saturday, June 11, 2005

I figured, you know it's been awhile since I read Daily Kos, but I thought I could handle it tonight. At the top was a link to Building Iraq's Army: Mission Improbable, which has to be one of the most dispiriting things I've read in awhile.

If this was the only information I had about our efforts in Iraq, I would believe:

The Iraqis all hate us
All Americans are ignorant and obnoxious
No American has ever helped an Iraqi
American soldiers don't care if their Iraqi counterparts live or die
Iraqis long for the return of Saddam Hussein

How can you not be against the war after reading this? I think I need a dose of Iraq the Model. What I do have to wonder is why the military would let these reporters travel with them for three days if there were so many problems that would be obvious even to the untrained eye? Is there forced embedding? Something doesn't smell right.

Maybe there really is a Bizarro Iraq and the Washington Post reports from there and Fox News from regualar Iraq? Or vice versa?

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