Friday, June 03, 2005

Is it really true that the same liberals (read ACLU) who think it's OK to burn the American flag, will stop at nothing to embarrass the U.S. government over the gross human rights violation of mishandling of the Koran in front of a believer?

As some pundits have said - aren't we paying to give them the Korans in the first place? Since when is it a human right to have distributed to you religious material that you use as the rational for destroying the society that you are a prisoner of? Did we hand out special editions of Mein Kampf to German prisoners of war in WWII? Maybe large print for the older Nazis?

Captain's Quarters shares my thoughts:

If Saturday Night Live wrote a parody of American hypersensitivity in fighting a war on terror, I doubt they could create something more ridiculous than this. Can you imagine our grandparents having this kind of debate had an American guard pissed on Mein Kampf at a POW camp for German POWs?

Why are liberals who laugh at conservative Christians and try to eliminate all references to God from public life or teaching so willing to prove how righteous radical Muslims are and ensure they are provided with religious texts, halal meat, etc.? It must be that they are afraid of upsetting the Muslims as we know they don't worry about upsetting God. Fear does not lead to victory.

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