Tuesday, November 30, 2004

This is going to be a really big deal...it's all about the largest kosher meat seller in the U.S., Agriprocessors in Postville, Iowa.

Videotapes Show Grisly Scenes at Kosher Slaughterhouse

"...a spokesman for Shechita UK, a British lobbying group that defends ritual slaughter against the protests of animal-rights activists, said after watching the tape with a rabbi and a British shochet that he "felt queasy," and added,"I don't know what that is, but it's not shechita."

If you can stand it, watch the video and get more information here:


I never thought that the slaughtering of animals would be a pleasant sight and for all I know the animals don't feel anything once their throat is cut, regardless of how they thrash around.

On the "Is it good for the Jews scale" this is a negative ten regardless of whether the accusations of cruelty are false or not.

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