Saturday, November 06, 2004

Anti-semitism comes to the town where I grew up - Orangeburg, New York. All of this takes place in the suburbs of New York City.

Hate literature also found in Westchester, Bergen

The same anti-Jewish literature recently distributed in Orangetown also was left in a New Jersey community and two Westchester County villages, police and a hate-monitoring group said yesterday.

A four-page booklet containing the 1930s Nazi-era children's story "The Poisonous Mushroom" also was left anonymously during the Halloween weekend in Tenafly, N.J., and Dobbs Ferry and Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester.

Police and the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League believe the same person or people distributed the hate literature in the communities.

Neighborhoods in Blauvelt, Nyack, Orangeburg and Upper Grandview were left with racist literature, and a swastika was spray-painted on an Orangeburg garage door.

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