Thursday, November 18, 2004

The NY Times reports on Fallujah:

Almost all of the city has been pulverized, and the biggest question facing American and Iraqi officials is how residents will react to seeing the vast swaths of destruction. Residents of the city were generally supportive of the mujahedeen and did not want the Americans to enter.

Where did this reporter get his information? Did he take a poll?

What about this?

Mujahidin terrorised Fallujah, residents say

And this? Even in an article focusing on complaints of suspected insurgents, USA Today could find this to say.

Other news reports have found many who welcomed the U.S. attack as a liberation from tyrannical terror groups who had imposed harsh Islamic law and beat and killed those considered disloyal.

And this from Knight-Ridder

Foreign fighters now reviled by Fallujah residents

I'm not saying I know what the residents were thinking before the American-led offensive, but I can be pretty sure that if Fallujah is indeed part of the planet Earth, there were varied opinions. To make a blanket statement like the NY Times did is propaganda pure and simple and cannot be called "reporting" by any objective standard.

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