Saturday, March 18, 2006

There´s a Harvard (Kennedy School of Government) working paper which was just issued which is causing a lot of hand-wringing, anger and I-told-you-so´s on the internet.  The basic poremise is that supporting Israel goes against U.S. interests and that it´s the Israel Lobby´s snake-in-Eden like way of sweet-talking Americans into making policy that is ultimately harmful.

As a strong supporter of Israel and a financial supporter of AIPAC - the Israel lobby - I look forward to the responses from both that group and other similar organizations.

You can download the report, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" here.  I hope to read it during the course of the week. I´m no Harvard professor, so I´ll be interested in seeing if there´s really any valuable insights.  I´ll try to keep an open mind. 

1 comment:

Howard said...

I fiugred since such an important institution has undertaken to spend the time and effort to support what has always been considered in Zionist circles to be an anti-Semitic (dual loyalty and all) rant, it´s worth taking a look.

All the real anti-Semites need is something like this to claim that it´s just a matter of time before the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is revealed as truth.
