Monday, March 20, 2006

I haven´t yet seen Capote, however it did inspire me to read Capote´s book, In Cold Blood.

I never really picked it up because murder stories never held my interest and in any case one can easily figure out how this story ends.  That being said, the book was fantastic - of the I couldn´t put it down variety.  It is beautifully written and you absolutely get inside each person´s head, from those that were murdered to those that were simply passing acquaintances of the killers. 

I am usually someone who gets terribly confused if there´s more than half a dozen main characters in a story.  Here, Capote presents several dozen people and I feel like I could pick each one out of a crowd without ever having seen a photo of any one of them.

I was also lucky enough to get a hardcover copy of the original book from my local library.  There´s something about the smell of the old book, the thicker paper that was used and the font that really made me feel like I was sitting in my grandmother´s old parlor, living and breathing middle America circa 1960. (I wonder when we stopped using the word parlor?)

Now, I am dying to see Capote.  I´m sorry I didn´t appreciate his work while he was alive.

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