Thursday, November 11, 2004

I was just listening to a talk radio program and the host said he was angry that everyone knows Yasser Arafat's name but his victims are quickly forgotten, like the schoolchildren, who were slaughtered at Ma'alot in 1974. This was the original Beslan, but then again Arafat is the godfather of all terrorists.

Then, after apologizing in advance for possible mispronounciations, he began to slowly read the names of the 21 children who died.

I cried.

Ilana Turgeman
Rachel Aputa
Yocheved Mazoz
Sarah Ben-Shim'on
Yona Sabag
Yafa Cohen
Shohana Cohen
Michal Sitrok
Malka Amrosy
Aviva Saada
Yocheved Diyi
Yakov Levi
Yakov Kabla
Rina Cohen
Ilana Neeman
Sarah Madar
Tamar Dahan
Sarah Soper
Lili Morad
David Madar
Yehudit Madar

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