Thursday, November 04, 2004

The BBC has provided a link for people who voted for Bush to comment as to why they did so. I submitted the following. Obviously if I had the space to write down all my thoughts it would take several pages. I'm curious as to whether it will appear or not - it has to cross paths with the editors first.

I voted for President Bush becuase I saw the attacks on the Trade Center on 9/11 with my own eyes. I did not need Republican ads to instill fear of another attack in me - the terrorists implanted that fear in my dreams.

John Kerry has been against every important military action the U.S. has engaged in - right or wrong. I just don't see how he can possibly be considered for the role of commander in chief. Ghandi was a great leader, but I wouldn't select him for head of the armed forces in wartime.

No one seems to want to say it out loud, but it seems to me that the fact that there have been no attacks on Americans or their interests overseas outside the theater of war since 9/11 is an incredible, unexpected accomplishment. And I'm taking my chances that it hasn't been dumb luck.

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